By: Sara Vereeke, HR Consultant at HR Solutions Group

According to Mercer’s 2022 Inside Employees’ Minds Study, 51% of employees reported feeling exhausted on a daily basis. In the same study, employees listed work-life balance and boundaries as one of their top needs. To support employees, reduce stress, increase productivity, and attract/retain top talent, we recommend considering flexible work schedules. 

Ideas for you to consider:

Modified Workweek:

  • Designated Half Day:  Rearrange work hours to close one afternoon per week

  • Rotating Half Day:  Rotate afternoons off to allow coverage for a full workweek

9 Days / 80 Hours: This arrangement allows for 1 day off every other workweek

4 Day Workweek:  Work longer days to allow 1 day off per week

Flex / Modified Work Hours with company designated core work hours

Keep in mind that employees have different needs.  A good place to begin is to start by having open conversations with your team.  Discuss their current work schedule and if flexibility would be helpful to them.  This shows care for their overall wellbeing and helps you understand their unique needs.

Before you offer any of these options, you should meet with the leadership to gain support. We always recommend trying these approaches on a ‘trial’ basis with an evaluation at the end of the trial period. This allows a natural opportunity to inquire how the new schedule is working.  In all cases, it needs to meet the needs of your business / customers as well as employee needs.

The team at HR Solutions Group can help you implement flexible work schedules or other ways to provide a supportive working environment.